Zehn Kashyap
Zehn Kashyap, a student in grade 10, represents the growing population of students worldwide who have special needs. An advocate for de-stigmatizing disability, she is an internationally published writer and award-winning speaker. She has done programmes on causes such as different-ness, mental health, and DEI in national and international forums including the CBSE Board, Girl Up Global Leadership Summit, Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation, People Matters, TribesforGOOD, NRF and PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Ashoka University, India Autism and Neurodiversity Summit by NASSCOM/ SAP, Diversity Mahotsav, and Neurodiversity India Summit.
Speaker @ HLF 2023
28 Jan HLF 2023 - Day 2
Kaavya Dhaara | Poetry Reading (Multilingual)
Khurram Muraad Siddiquie, Ramesh Karthik Naik, Riasath Ali Asrar, Zehn Kashyap
IIL Hall
28 Jan HLF 2023 - Day 2
Nanha Nukkad | L'(Extra)ordinaire
3:20–3:40 pm L'(Extra)ordinaire by Zehn Kashyap
Venue: Under the Tree